10th Eng Question bank section 01 set: 04 of 10


ENGLISH (17) (Third Language)

Std. Xth Time - 3 Hrs Marks – 80


Section I: Language Study                                                                 (10 marks)


SET- 4


Q.4. (A) Do as directed: (Attempt any four) 08 Marks.

1.Complete the following words by using correct letters.                     (02)

(i) gramm_r (ii) qu_ck (III) n_tice (iv) sc_ence

Ans: (i) grammar (ii) quick (III) notice (iv) science


2. Put the following words in an alphabetical order:                             (02)

(i) visit, waste, manage, joy

Ans: joy, manage, visit, waste


(ii) bank, banging, bundle, balanced

Ans: balanced, banging, bank, bundle


3. Punctuate the following sentences.                                                 (02)

(i) what are you doing here

Ans: What are you doing here?


(ii) no there isnt anyone like that she said

Ans: “No, there isn’t anyone like that?”, She said.

4. Make four words (minimum of 3 letters each) using the letters in the given word




1. earth

2. the

3. eat

4. take


5. Write the related words as shown in the example:                            (02)




6. Complete the word-chain of noun‘. Add four words, each beginning with the last letter of the previous word:                                                                    (02)

Pen, (a) ……….. (b) ……….. (c) ………… (d) ………..

Ans: Pen, (a) name (b) English (c) hand (d) duster



Q.4. (B) Do as directed:

(1) Attempt any one:

(a) Make a meaningful sentence by using the phrase:                          (01)


to be engrossed in

Ans: He was engrossed in the book.




(b) Add a clause to the following sentence to expand it meaningfully:  (01)

He forgot to complete the home work

Ans: He forgot to complete the home that was given yesterday.


(2) Attempt any one:

(a) Add a prefix or suffix to make new words:                                     (01)

(i) punish

Ans: punishment


(ii) correct

Ans: Incorrect



(b) Make a meaningful sentence using any one of the following word s: (01)

(i) punish

Ans: He never gives any cause to punish him.


(ii) correct

Ans: The answer is correct.

All set Solution

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