1. Strike while the iron is hot.

proverbs Expansion

1. Strike while the iron is hot.

Meaning: use opportunity when it comes to your way.
This proverb tells us the importance of opportunity. If we do not use the opportunity, which comes to our way, we would rarely get the same chance again. The iron is a very hard material to bend and shape it, but when it is heated, it becomes soft and we can bend it anyway we want in hot condition. We get the chance to shape the iron when it is hot, but for a small amount of time. If you miss this opportunity to bend, it will slowly get back to its old condition cold and harder. Thus we have to bend the iron while it is hot. We have to utilize the opportunity. We have to work when we have time. Once the time has gone, we wolud rarely get the opportunity back. We can observe in nature, bees gathers honey, when there is spring and flowers are blossomed. Ants stores their food before rainy season begins. Afterward they close their hill, and survive during the whole rainy season on the stored food. Similarly student studying in school or college should use their time to study, because once the academic period is over, they would hardly get any opportunity to go back to school or college again. Thus, any opportunity come to our way should be utilized well.

 B a c k 

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