3. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

proverbs Expansion

3. A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

This proverb tells us the importance of starting things. No matter what we have, where we are. We should start with whatever we have and wherever we are. The start of any great thing may be smaller in the beginning, but the small things together will create greater things. Any big trip starts with one single step. We can also say any long trip can be thought of as thousands of small-small steps. We do great work step by step. Every Step has a unique position. No matter how small it may appear. It will ultimately contribute to success. The whole Taj Mahal was built step by step. We can read a book of a thousand pages, word by word, page by page, chapter by chapter. We can complete all the syllabus step by step. We can achieve progress in any field gradually. No matter how hard it may appear. We just have to focus on the small task we have taken in a time. We can climb thousands of stairs but we have to go one step followed by another.

 B a c k 


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