6. Variety is the spice of life.

proverbs Expansion

6. Variety is the spice of life.

Spices taste good in our food. Without spices we will not enjoy our food. To make food tasty and pleasant, we add spices. This will add flavour to the food. Variety of spices add more taste in food. Spices like pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, mace, allspice, ginger, garlic, clove and many more are added to food to increase taste and Aroma. Think if we use only one of them that won't be enough to make it tasty and aromatic. Similarly, a new routine, a break, a new experience, a new friend will add taste to our life. We should take new ideas, new approaches to life that will add worth to our life. Similarity will make our life monotonous, dull and boring. Thus, variety in life makes life better, enjoyable and exciting.

 B a c k 


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