10th English Information Transfer


10th English information transfer

Ans: Non-Verble to Verble

The use of mobile phones

Today mobile has become our habit. The phone was initially started as a basic communication device. The basic functions were just calling and short messaging services.

Nowadays we use phones in a much bigger way. Many of our tasks are being done through mobile phones. Along with the basic functions of mobile, we use it for social media, voice mail, text messages, music, computer network camera, radio, internet, video games, video, shopping, and learning also.

We communicate by voice mail, text, and video call using mobile. We post our thoughts on social media. We learn many latest things through social media. We appreciate other people's work on social media. We listen to the radio and music on the phone. We shop using our phones. We search for information with a finger touch. We capture rare moments with mobile cameras. We study online with phones.

We need to moderate our mobile phone usage. Then the mobile will benefit us otherwise we all know overuse of anything creates problems.

Ans: Verble to Non-Verble

Types Of Soil And Its Formations

Nos. Types of soil Formation
1. Laterite Soil Washing of silica, salt, organic mater and 'Accumulation of sesquioxides'
2. Sandy Desert Soil the action of winds.
3. Black Cotton Soil Mechanical weathering of igneous rocks
4. Alluvial Soil through the depositing process of rivers


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