set02 Information Transfer 10th Eng Verble non-verble

10th English information transfer verbal Non-verbal

Ans: Non-verbal to verbal

How to achieve success

Honorable principle, dear teacher and my friends today I would like to tell you How to achieve success.

We, in life, have many dreams, passions, and hopes. We want to achieve our goals. No matter whatever one's goal is. One must have some qualities in order to achieve those goals.

If we study any successful person. We find some common traits in their life. Some of the common qualities can be named as determination, devotion, confidence, motivation. Let me explain those one by one in detail.

Determination means to decide what we want to achieve. And how we want to achieve. This should be very clear. One must be practical while determining one's goal. Set a goal that is achievable.

Devotion is the dedication toward the goal. Here regulate his actions. One must use his whole time and efforts toward his goal. Even a single step counts. Even small progress is still progress. The goal should remain constant.

Next thing is confidence. We must feel confidence while trying to achieve our set goal. If we doubt ourselves, the question on our efforts will lead us into chaos. So staying confident is very important.

Lastly, motivation is something we need. On the path towards our set goal. Motivation is like fuel to the vehicle. If we make ourselves motivated we will attain success sooner.

Thank you

Ans: Verbal to Non-Verbal

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