1 MahaTET 2013 P1 Sub: English Solved Question

1 MahaTET 2013 P1 Sub: English Solved Question



Q. 1) Choose the correct alternative of verb : "When we reached the stadium, the players ________ already."

1. have gone

2. went

3. had gones

4. has gone

Ans : 3 }   had gone



Q. 2) Identify the underlined clause in the sentence : "The patient was sure that he would recover."

1. Noun Clause

2. Adjective Clause

3. Adverbial Clause of Reason

4. Adverbial Clause of Concession

Ans : 1 }   Noun Clause



Q. 3) Choose the correct spelt word :

1. Sattellite

2. Sattelite

3. Satelite

4. Satellite

Ans : 4 }   Satellite



Q. 4) Choose the correct 'Figure of Speech in the given line : "Exult, O shores, and ring O bells !"

1. Simile

2. Metaphor

3. Climax

4. Apostrophe

Ans : 4 }   Apostrophe



Q. 5) Choose the correct "Synonym" of: "combat"

1. fight

2. quarrel

3. feud

4. conflict

Ans : 1 }   fight



Q. 6) Choose the correct 'Assertive Sentence of the given sentence : “How can any burglar open the window ?"

1. No burglar couldn't open the window.

2. The burglar can't open the window.

3. The burglar can open the window.

4. The window can't be open by the burglar.

Ans : 2 }   The burglar can't open the window.



Q. 7) Choose the correct 'Indirect Speech' of the given sentence : He said, "Why have you called here and disturbed me ?"

1. He asked why he has called there and disturbed him.

2. He asked why had he called there and disturbed him.

3. He asked why he had called there and disturbed him.

4. He asked that why he had called there and disturbed him.

Ans : 3 }   He asked why he had called there and disturbed him.



Q. 8) Select the correct "neither nor' answer of the given sentence :  Vijayant didnt pay attention to parents. He didn' learn from teachers.

1. Vijayant neither paid attention to parents nor learnt from teachers

2. Vijayant paid neither attention to parents nor learnt from teachers.

3. Vijayant neither pay attention to parents nor learn from teachers.

4. Vijayant neither pay attention to parents nor learnt from teachers.

Ans : 1 }   Vijayant neither paid attention to parents nor learnt from teachers



Q. 9) Choose the correct "so that" sentence of the given sentence : "It was too difficult for Keshav to pay heed to the teacher."

1. It was so difficult that Keshav couldn't pay heed to the teacher.

2. It was so difficult for Keshav that he couldn't pay heed to the teacher.

3. It was so difficult for Keshav that he can't pay heed to the teacher.

4. It was so difficult that Keshav could pay heed to the teacher.

Ans : 1 }   It was so difficult that Keshav couldn't pay heed to the teacher.



Q. 10) Select the correct "Question Tag" for given sentence : "Show me the way to the park"

1. don't you?

2. will me?

3. will I?

4. will you ?

Ans : 4 }   will you ?


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