3 MahaTET 2013 P1 Sub: English Solved Question


3 MahaTET 2013 P1 Sub: English Solved Question 



Q. 21) Choose the correct 'Not only but also answer of the given sentence : "I washed my hands and ate my dinner too."

1. Not only I washed my hands but also ate my dinner.

2. I not only washed my hands but also ate my dinner too.

3. I washed not only my hands but also ate my dinner.

4. I not only washed my hands but also ate my dinner.

Ans : 4 }   I not only washed my hands but also ate my dinner.



Q. 22) Choose the correct "Verbal Question of the given sentence : "He gave witness at the sensational trial."

1. Did he gave witness at the sensational trial ?

2. Does he give witness at the sensational trial?

3. Did he give witness at the sensational trial ?

4. Did give he witness at the sensational trial ?

Ans : 3 }   Did he give witness at the sensational trial ?



Q. 23) Choose the correct 'Passive Voice of the given sentence : "The thieves had broken the back door."

1. The back door had broken by the thieves.

2. The back door had been broken by the thieves.

3. The back door had been broken by them.

4. The back door has been broken by the thieves.

Ans : 2 }   The back door had been broken by the thieves.



Q. 24) Choose the correct alternative : "Mr. Kedar becomes _______ S.P. of Pune District."

1. the

2. an

3. a

4. no article

Ans : 1 }   the



Q. 25) Choose the correct 'Degree Sentence from the given sentences :

1. Dr. Ganesh is one of the most popular teachers on our class.

2. Dr. Ganesh is one of the most popular teacher on our class.

3. Dr. Ganesh is the most popular teachers on our class.

4. Dr. Ganesh is more popular teachers on our class.

Ans : 1 }   Dr. Ganesh is one of the most popular teachers on our class.



Q. Read the passage and choose the correct answers of the given : (Questions No. 26 to 30)

Newspapers sell because of news and editorial coverage but it gets more revenue from advertisements. News costs money, while advertisements fetch money. The economics of modern newspapers is such that it can't run by just selling news, it has to depend on advertisements. The economics of newspaper publishing requires both subscribers who can afford to buy newspapers and businessmen who can afford to advertise in it. The growth of the press depends on both. Therefore, in newspaper management neither aspect can be neglected. 

Co-ordination among the various departments - editorial, circulation, advertising and production is very essential for effective and better management. The head of various departments must be part of the management of a newspaper. They must be aware of the goals set, policies and future plans of the management. They cannot afford to remain cut off from the main stream of management function. In addition, each department should keep the other department managers informed of those of its activities that will be useful to them. This is a vital aspect of newspapers management.

Q. 26) The growth of a newspaper depends on:

1. subscribers and advertisers

2. advertisers

3. large scale subscribers

4. the editorial and news coverage

Ans : 1 }   subscribers and advertisers



Q. 27) The word 'Vital as used in the context means :

1. healthy

2. primary

3. lively

4. important

Ans : 4 }   important



Q. 28) The main idea of the first paragraph of the passage is

1. The economics of newspaper publishing.

2. The importance of advertisements.

3. News and editorial coverage.

4. The growth of the press.

Ans : 1 }   The economics of newspaper publishing.



Q. 29) The heads of departments must know about :

1. goals and money

2. goals, policies and plans

3. better management

4. the growth of press

Ans : 2 }   goals, policies and plans



Q. 30) The main idea of the second paragraph of the passage is :

1. The future of newspapers.

2. How to sell newspapers ?

3. Effective newspaper management

4. The role of the heads of departments.

Ans : 4 }   The role of the heads of departments.


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